If you know us well, then you know that there’s nothing more that we love than {LOVE}!
To celebrate Love this month, we’ve been asking fun questions about what and whom you love on our social media channels. Below, we compiled a list of answers from our team members as well as some of our favorite answers from you!
To those who participated, we truly enjoyed reading your responses every day. Thank you for sharing your #loveinthechaos with us!
1. What do you love most about love?
@nat_moss: “Depth! When you love someone you dive into really knowing them and they know you.”
Sarah, owner/lead stylist of Beautiful Chaos Companies: “The power of love can overcome anything.”
2. What do you love most about your own home?
@jesscattoor: “The way it makes us feel when we walk in the door”
Josie, marketing manager of Beautiful Chaos Companies: “I get to snuggle with my dog, Bonnie!”
3. Tell Us a Quote You Love!
@mandm138: “Aspire not to have more but to be more.” -Oscar Romero
Jayme, owner of Beautiful Chaos Renovations: “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. – Charles Swindoll“
4. Tell Us a Book You Love!
@courtnie_hayes: “Raising Boys by Design”
Jenny, Beautiful Chaos interior stylist: “She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb. Deep at times but oh so good! ?”
5. What’s something you love about yourself?
@kafaween: “Taking care of my parents — grateful I can and proud that I am!”
Josh, carpenter/”builder of beautiful” for Beautiful Chaos Renovations: “I’m a person who always gives my best effort both for our clients and [Beautiful Chaos].”
6. Who is someone you love and why?
@jo_hops_world: “I love my Mom more than anything in the world. She would do anything for me!”
Sarah, Owner/Lead Stylist of Beautiful Chaos: “Today is my dad’s birthday and I love him! He has passed down three generations of craftsmanship & love for serving others. And..28 years ago, he chose the life of sobriety and became my hero.”
7. What’s your love language?
@littlemen915: “Hubby bringing home wine unexpectedly.”
Sasha, interior stylist for Beautiful Chaos Interior Design & Styling: “Quality time together.”
8. Tell us something you did for someone you love recently!
@angelawarner: “Cleaned their bathroom after they had a baby and couldn’t do it themselves.”
Jayme, owner of Beautiful Chaos Renovations: “Planned a weekend away from the Chaos…with only Netflix and room service on the agenda!”
9. Where do you live? What do you love about it?
@countrygirlhome: “Utah!! I love it because it is so diverse with its weather and landscape. It’s be”utah”ful.”
Jake, Project Manager for Beautiful Chaos Renovations: “I love living around Lake Minnetonka during the winter months. Watching all the people on the lake doing such things as ice skating, fishing and skiing.”
10. Ask Me Anything!
We asked for your questions related to interior design, renovations and love & marriage. Watch the video below for our answers!
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11. What do you love about your job?
@jillrodberg: “The inspiring women I work with and the flexibility to also be home with my babies.”
Josh, carpenter/”builder of beautiful” for Beautiful Chaos Renovations: “I love seeing the excitement of the clients as a project progresses and definitely at the end!”
12. Tell us a place you love to visit!
@agramp: “Home – Minnesota. I’m currently living in Hawaii, and what I wouldn’t give to be in the snow!”
Sasha, interior stylist for Beautiful Chaos Interior Design & Styling: “Florida!”
13. Tell us an account you love to follow!
@julia.at.home: “@woodsandivory”
We love Woods and Ivory, too! She actually visited our home tour last September – visit her blog to read about her experience: Blog >
Here are two that we love:
- @missyscherber: “Missy lights up my life with who she is on social media and in real life. I totally ‘dig’ her and her excavation company!”
- @style.and.grace.interiors: “Erica is my long lost twin. We met on Instagram and have an incredibly strong connection. She is a talented designer and a world-class encourager!”
14. What do you love most about Valentine’s Day?
@katescornermarket: “Being purposeful in reminding those that I love how special and important they are!”
Sarah, Owner/Lead Stylist of Beautiful Chaos: “I love hard. Anyone and everyone! Today, I can love hard without being considered obnoxious!?”
How do you feel about love? Tell us below!