In light of the very real and challenging circumstances we are all facing—I hope to bring you some words of hope, comfort and peace ?
It is with deep compassion that Jayme & I extend love to a very disoriented world—as we all navigate COVID-19 and the reaching effects it has on most of our lives right now.
Candidly, we share that our own little family has faced unrelated, but very similar, life-altering situations twice before (with the health of our daughter and my own health) and we understand exactly what it feels like to have life suddenly “canceled.” We know what it feels like to battle fear and face serious uncertainties. Being isolated to our home, well, it is not new to us as we’ve gone through this twice before. First, eight years ago, when our daughter fought the rare disease of FPIES (being allergic to everything) and then again, last year, when I battled Mast Cell Activation Disorder—when I was too sick to leave my bedroom. It was in these two very trying seasons that we learned the most beautiful attributes of God’s heart—the assurance of His love and rescue. So, it is our most sincere prayer, that His love and rescue may be realized at a global level during this very tumultuous time ❤️
There is a saying, “the only way out is through.” How we go through the next days, weeks and months—is a decision each one of us will have to make. I truly believe, in that decision, we have the opportunity to see the beauty in the chaos, and in many ways, come out better than before. Honestly, it is because of the very real, very hard things that our family has faced and walked through in life, that we have been brought to an amazingly beautiful place—a place of health and wholeness. Though we are also navigating the challenges of COVID-19, our family is facing them with complete peace, purpose, direction, love, joy, a sense of safety, connection & rest. Our heart is desperate for other families to realize these same things and reset in a way that brings true beauty back to life.
It was during a time of isolation (battling my own health challenges) last year, that I wrote our design book, Divinely Designed. Although this beautiful book is curated to help you make your home beautiful, it also includes a heartfelt narrative that I { hope } brings comfort to your family during this really tough time. I’d love to share a few highlights from the book to encourage you with this—I have been praying for your family for the last nine months, as this book was being created. I did not know what was coming but felt in my heart that something would occur and that this book would be needed. I promise each chapter will feed your soul during this time ❤️

Chapter 1 – A Home with Peace
“Even in chaos, there is peace.”

Chapter 2 – A Home with Purpose
“We live in a very fortunate time, when modern conveniences include shortcuts and instantaneous deliveries. But that is not how God works. He values your purpose so much, that He takes His time with your process and He is endlessly patient as you get to know Him and His heart. It’s not instantaneous and it’s not going to go the way you thought it would.”

Chapter 3 – A Home with Direction
“My friend, be the Momma bird who brings clarity to the direction of her home. The identified direction for your family will surely protect you from chaos that was never meant for you.”

Chapter 4 – A Home with Love
“It is in God’s embrace that He turns even the worst of things around for our good.”

Chapter 5 – A Home Without Comparison
“My darling friend, I humbly implore you to intentionally discover the beautiful and unique purpose of your family and your home.”

Chapter 6 – A Home with Safety
“It is your home that provides your birdies shelter from all of life’s storms.”

Chapter 7 – A Home with Connection
“There is nothing more humbling than knowing that the God of the entire universe cares for you, your family, and your home. He was so gracious to correct my standard mode of operation and to forever change me. He loved us way too much to watch what mattered most skip away into the abyss of distraction and disconnection.”

Chapter 8 – A Home with Rest
“I promise you, if you make rest a priority, your heart and home will beautifully shift. Work to create a space that reminds you to include restful moments in each day.”
I hope you enjoy reading Divinely Designed in its entirety. I am confident that it will change how you go through this unexpected pandemic. From my heart to yours, the best is yet to be ✨
With love and compassion,
Divinely Designed is now shipping! To order, please click here. And if you’ve already read Divinely Designed, please leave a review!
To hear more of our thoughts on finding peace in your life, please watch the Youtube video below: